Un testigo del famoso caso Roswell, Nuevo México, reveló que es cierto que los soldados de los Estados Unidos se llevaron a criaturas no humanas tras el accidente de su nave en 1947, hecho que una y otra vez fue negado por las autoridades de ese país.

autopsia et roswell

Se trata de Charlie Fogus, ayudante del  sheriff local, quien vio en 1947 la operación para llevarse a los seres y todo vestigio de la caida del ovni.

En el libro recientemente publicado UFOs TODAY – 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up ('Los ovnis hoy: 70 años de mentiras, desinformación y encubrimiento gubernamental') se encuentra un la entrevista a Fogus, reproducida por el diario británico The Mirror, es un fragmento proporcionado por del editor Philip Mantle, exdirector de Investigaciones de la Asociación Británica de Investigación de Ovnis.

Como se sabe, después que los medios informaron de la caída de un ovni en Roswell, la Fuerza Aérea dijo que sólo era un globo meteorológico

Cuando Fogus y el sheriff Jess Slaughter llegaron a Roswell para recoger a un prisionero y estaban en el lugar donde, había caído el presunto globo meteorológico, vieron unos 300 o 400 soldados.

Los soldados estaban arrastrando “una criatura grande”. La criatura "se parecía exactamente a la que vemos por la tele, con ojos grandes". En el cañón había "una cosa redonda grande" de unos 30 metros de ancho que los soldados llevaron del sitio en un camión.

Fogus aseguró haber visto unas cuatro criaturas extrañas. La mayoría estaban tapadas y asegura que vio las piernas de algunas de ellas, que se parecían a las nuestras. Medían un metro y medio y su piel era casi marrón, “como si hubieran pasado demasiado tiempo bajo el sol”.

Los militares sacaron los cuerpos del lugar y los llevaron en camiones. Fogus y Slaughter pasaron unos 20 minutos allí, tras lo cual les dijeron que abandonaran el sitio.

Fogus sostuvo que "el Gran Padre no solo creó este planeta, los creó a todos ellos". A su modo de ver, los seres extraños eran de otros planetas, adonde los puso el "Gran Padre […] al igual que nos puso a nosotros" en la Tierra. "Son más inteligentes que nosotros. Ellos pueden venir de allá para acá, pero nosotros no podemos ir desde aquí hasta allá", indicó.

También dijo que vio a los seres de una distancia de algo más de tres metros y que los soldados no dejaban acercarse más. En ese año él no usaba anteojos, como ya los tenía en su edad avanzada.

Algunos fragmentos de la entrevista:

"When we got there, the land was covered with soldiers. They were hauling a big, a creature.

"The bodies must have been 5 feet tall.

"I saw the legs and feet on some of them. They looked like our feet.

"The skin was a brownish color…. Like they were in the sun too long.

"There were soldiers there….about 3 or 4 hundred of them.

"We seen them haul them (the bodies) out there, out of the canyon up to the trucks….puttin them on the tow trucks so they could haul them."

CF: It already had crashed. They were taking them out. There were soldiers there….about 3 or 4 hundred of them. They wouldn’t let you get very close. They were keeping all the people away. People were coming out there.

Q: What did the saucer (we’ll call it) look like?

CF: It was a big round thing. Across the middle it was about 100 feet.

Q: Did you see any lights around it?

CF: No, they went out when it banged into the wall in the creek. It was like a mountain on the side of the creek.

Q: Did you see any creatures: How many did you see?

CF: Yeh, I saw them. I think I seen about four (of them).

Q: Were they covered up?

CF: Mostly. I saw the legs and feet on some of them.

Q: What did the feet look like? Do you remember?

CF: They looked like our feet.

Q: Could you figure how tall they were? They were laying flat, Right?

CF: Yeh, There is one thing I do remember. The Great Father [God] didn’t just make this planet…. He made all of them. He put beings on these planets just like he put us on this one. They’re smarter then we are. They can get from there to here, but we can’t get from here to there.

He didn’t order nobody except me to go with him. The UFO was already down when we got there. We went and got the prisoner afterwards. We heard about it on the radio.

Q: Did you see the heads?

CF: Yeh….they were covered. They eyes looked like the ones we see on television and the pictures of them.

Q: What color was the skin?

CF: As much as I could tell….the skin was a brownish color…. Like they were in the sun too long.

Q: From the time it crashed until the time you got there, do you know how much time went by? From the time you heard it on the police radio until you got there?

CF: About two hours.

Q: Did you see any writing or engraving on the saucer?

CF: I wasn’t that close to it?

Q: If you were say 12 feet away from the beings, how far were the beings away from the saucer. Were they thrown pretty far?

CF; We couldn’t see that well because of the trees. It was in a riverbank. It slammed into a river bank. I say them lifting one up with the crane.

Q: Did anyone else talk to you about what was going on?

CF: There were some solders, but I don’t think they were from the Air Force.

Q: Where do you think they were from then?

CF: I don’t know. They were wearing uniforms. I didn’t pay no attention cause I just wanted to go with the Sheriff to get the heck out of there before something happened.

Q: When you guys were in the car to go pick the guy up, did you discuss or talk about what you had seen with the Sheriff?



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